Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Make up day

Since I was so unproductive yesterday I needed to step it up today.  I got to work at 6am and was feeling good and motivated so I started my workout with a 5 mile run.  I was only scheduled to do 4 miles today but figured I better step it up from being a slacker the past 3 days.  After my run I lifted weights for about 30 minutes.  I don't usually do a hard weight workout on the days I'm doing heavy cardio.  Today I did some abs and back.  I started with a cable row and crunches on a bosu.  Then I did some bicycles on the bosu, TRX reverse flys, TRX bicep curl, cable cross, assisted pull ups and ended with some wide grip pull downs.   After my weights I headed down to the pool where I swam for about 50 minutes.  I kinda lost track of how many laps I did but I'm pretty confident I did my mile.   

My workout felt good today.  I was excited to get back into it.  Tomorrow I need to have a good day in the weight room.  I plan on running for about 8 miles and then spending a solid hour lifting.  I'll let you know how it goes!!  I gotta tell you I'm glad I opted for the full triathlon, as crazy as it sounds I don't think a sprint tri would have challenged me  :)

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